Thursday, May 31, 2007

Welcome to Broadcasters Anomynous!

"My name is Tony, and I'm a recovering broadcaster."

If you have ever felt the uncontrollable compulsion to crack open a mic...

If you've talked song intros up to the vocals with your radio wide open driving down the highway...

If the signing of The Telecommunications Act of 1996 is comparable to the signing of the Volstead Act of 1919 (the one that started Prohibition of demon rum, and led the United States to ultimate ruin without sedative)...

Then, brother or sister, you have found a family who has felt your pain.

You see, we've all been there. They call it "on the beach." We call it "modulation withdrawl."

You were once sweet. Pure. Innocent. A source of pride to your parents and community. Probably a member of the National Honor Society...alter boy at your parish...or maybe a junior recruit of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Then, you discovered radio.

The evil seed had been planted.

You listened. You learned. You loved it. You lusted over it.

You wanted to be "it"...that popular, devil may care deejay star on the radio. You made a silent but solemn vow to make it happen.

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